By Sikhumbule Zwane and Nosihle Mthembu
The minister of Public Works and Infrastructure and the eThekwini Municipality mayor hosted a joint press conference at the Durban City Hall on Tuesday to announce steps of how they plan to work together to address bad buildings, revenue collection from state departments and inner-city rejuvenation.
Minister Dean Macpherson and Mr Cyril Xaba announced plans to collaborate to boost the regional economy and create jobs.
”We discovered that 16 of these buildings have been hijacked and occupied illegally. Since we started this programme (collaboration) 12 buildings have been refurbished by owners and 11 buildings demolished,” Xaba said.
Xaba bemoaned that some of the investors, companies and big stores have left the city centre due to safety concerns.
Macpherson added that the collaboration between the national government and the city aims to address the issue of bad buildings in Durban and attract investment into the city.
”We are going to assist Durban’s inner-city regeneration. The technical committee will further accelerate efforts by working closely with the metropolitan, identifying, reclaiming and redeveloping bad buildings and addressing issues of revenue head on,” he said.
Macpherson added that his department plans to maintain the collaboration with the city on additional infrastructure developments and secure funding to boost job creation and address the water crisis.
Both parties said that the collaboration is intended to improve the city, boost economic growth and restore it to its former beauty through successful plans that involve shared resources and expertise.